Thursday, October 28, 2010

And the time draws near...

And 2010, one of the worst years for all many, draws to a close we will soon see Facebook Maccobook inundated with status updates talking about resolutions. Personally, I think New Years resolutions are a big farce joke

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day. Some examples include resolutions to donate to the poor more often, to become more assertive, or to become more environmentally responsible. How long do these actually last? How many people actually follow through?

On New Year's Eve, drunken thoughts also spew even more great ideas, on things that we can change or want to change about ourselves and all of the grand things that will change with the coming of the New Year... Face It! This stuff doesn't happen overnight. Looking at a prime example, I will submit myself. If I decided that as a 'resolution' I should give up smoking, will it just happen by itself? NO. It wont. Firstly, I have to have a desire want to stop smoking and after that, I need to make an effort try, to do so. Therefore, repeating my daily statement of "I need to quit smoking" isn't necessarily going to happen until I decide it's time to try much less follow through with it.  Another thing that I have a fundamental problem with is people thinking that New Year's Eve is all about getting drunk... I will not say that I have never been drunk on NYE, but it was never my main focus, at least not that I remember. Those of you who will be at those all inclusive parties in whatever part of the world that you may be on the given occasion, DO NOT try to sink the bar! It is well stocked with cheap alcohol which is designed to send you into a plethoric state of intoxication. Voluntarily subjecting yourself to that is just border-line insane.

Generally, I am never in Antigua for New Year's Eve and I doubt this will be an exception. In recent years I have jetted off to Barbados for a change of scenery or St. Kitts as it is Carnival. I haven't made up my mind yet where I will be but one thing is constant. I will have a good time.

All in all, if the 'Angel of Inebriation' visits you with a straw, please have a designated driver. Bless